Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya Provintsiya is an electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication intended for international scientific community (specialists in oil and gas industry, academics, students, post-graduates and researchers) (general information about the Journal).
Aims and scope: creation of a scientific information platform for sharing of lessons learned and professional expertise among specialists from different regions and countries and presentation of recent advances in the development and operation of oil and gas fields and well drilling (Aims & scope).
Neftyanaya Provintsiya has been issued four times a year since July 2015 in electronic form (Issue schedule).
All papers are published with open access free of cost.
Full-text articles are published in Russian; titles, abstracts, key words and references are provided in English.
Published research papers undergo careful selection and peer review.
The editorial board and staff of Neftyanaya Provintsiya comply with guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Publishing Ethics).
Aims and scope: creation of a scientific information platform for sharing of lessons learned and professional expertise among specialists from different regions and countries and presentation of recent advances in the development and operation of oil and gas fields and well drilling (Aims & scope).
Neftyanaya Provintsiya has been issued four times a year since July 2015 in electronic form (Issue schedule).
All papers are published with open access free of cost.
Full-text articles are published in Russian; titles, abstracts, key words and references are provided in English.
Published research papers undergo careful selection and peer review.
The editorial board and staff of Neftyanaya Provintsiya comply with guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Publishing Ethics).
2020 - Neftyanaya Provintsiya is included in EBSCOhost research platform databases
2020 - Neftyanaya Provintsiya is included in serials database of Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
2018 – by the decision of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Neftyanaya Provintsiya is included in the “List of peer-reviewed scientific publications aimed at publishing essential scientific results of theses for pursuing PhD and doctoral degrees in the following academic disciplines:
2.8.2 – Well Drilling and Completion Technology (Engineering);
2.8.4 – Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields (Engineering).
2.8.2 – Well Drilling and Completion Technology (Engineering);
2.8.4 – Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields (Engineering).
2017 – the articles of Neftyanaya Provintsiya are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Specific DOI search query is as follows: doi:10.25689/NP.2018.4.154-162 available at:
2017 – all issues of Neftyanaya Provintsiya are registered in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research and Development Center “Informregistr”.
2015 – Neftyanaya Provintsiya is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database.
2015 – Neftyanaya Provintsiya is registered in the International Center ISSN: (Online) ISSN 2412-8910
© Non-governmental organization Volga-Kama Regional Division of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, 2015-2025 All the materials of the journal are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (