O.V. Tyukavkina, V.L. Shuster, I.S. Permyakova, I.L. Kapitonova
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.3.18-42
The issues of structuring the complex of geological and field information, the development of applied research methods, which are based on the integration of geophysical survey data and the previously obtained results of laboratory studies of the Lower-Middle Jurassic non-anticlinal deposits, are based on the example of long-term developed fields of the West Siberian oil and gas province. The purpose of the research is to identify a certain sequence of data processing, which will allow systematizing and structuring the obtained commercial material for a particular deposit. As a result of research, it shows the data of statistical processing of parameters of reservoir properties (software package "Statistica-base"); algorithms for identifying possible errors in data processing are shown; it shows the errors that affect the quality of interpretation of well logging (based on qualitative and quantitative comparison), establishing the boundary values of the αPS value as reservoir criteria, comparing laboratory data and well logging results, etc. The authors analyzed the change in the αPS amplitude, resistivity values in the oil reservoir, oil saturation values (Kn, Kov) in the established zones of oil-water contact (OWC): maximum oil saturation (Kn = 1 – Kov), reduced oil saturation (0 < Kn > 1), full water saturation (Kn= 0), etc. Applied basis for data processing includes the construction of dependences of the parameters of reservoir properties.
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O.V. Tyukavkina, Dr.Sc, Professor, Chair for Geology and Prospecting of Hydrocarbon Fields, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting
23, Miklouho-Maclay Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
E-mail: tov.sing@mail.ru
V.L. Shuster, Dr.Sc. Senior Research Associate, Resource Base and Oil and Gas Complex Laboratory, Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
3, Gubkin Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation
E-mail: tshuster@mail.ru
I.S. Permyakova, Lead Reservoir Engineering Specialist, "DallAlyance" LLC
2, Vesennaya Str., Moscow 143085, Zarechye, Russian Federation
E-mail: permyakova_is@mail.ru
I.L. Kapitonova, Senior Lecturer, Chair for Subsoil Use and Petroleum Engineering, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
6, Miklouho-Maclay Str., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
E-mail: kapitonova-il@rudn.ru
For citation:
O.V. Tyukavkina, V.L. Shuster, I.S. Permyakova, I.L. Kapitonova Prikladnyye osnovy metodiki obrabotki geologo-promyslovykh dannykh i povysheniya effektivnosti geometrizatsii slozhnopostroyennykh zalezhey nefti [Applied basis of the approach to geological and field data processing and improvement of complex oil reservoir geometrization efficiency]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(39), 2024. pp. 18-42. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.3.18-42. 18-42. EDN CWORMD (in Russian)