R.I. Fazlullin, O.V. Kolnogorova, I.V. Ryabov, A.A. Mikhaylovsky, N.V. Nosov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.4.137-161
At the current stage of oil field development, there is an increase in the share of hard-to-recover oil reserves localized in low-permeability reservoirs, as well as in formations complicated by water-oil zones. Stabilization and growth of oil production at development of multilayer fields can be ensured by creation and use of new technological solutions for development of residual oil reserves by increasing the efficiency of development of return / secondary objects.
Determination of zones with localization of residual mobile oil reserves remains a complex process, which does not always take into account the peculiarities of the geological structure of the development objects and the actual operating modes of wells. As a consequence, an integrated approach is important to achieve positive results.
This paper updates the geological model, identifies zones and areas with concentration of residual oil reserves in reservoirs with deteriorated properties. The geological and field analysis of the BV3 object in the zones with current mobile reserves promising for geological and engineering operations was performed. Evaluation measures were selected and successfully implemented to clarify the current saturation and productivity of the BV3
target reservoir. The program of geological and engineering operations to improve the development of the BV3 object was drawn up and accepted for implementation.
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R.I. Fazlullin, senior manager, LUKOIL-Engineering LLC
143A, Respublika Str., 625026, Tyumen, Russian Federation
E-mail: Ruslan.Fazlullin@lukoil.com
O.V. Kolnogorova, leading geologist, LUKOIL-Engineering LLC
143A, Respublika Str., 625026, Tyumen, Russian Federation
E-mail: Olga.Kolnogorova@lukoil.com
I.V. Ryabov, Head of Department, LUKOIL-Engineering LLC
143A, Respublika Str., 625026, Tyumen, Russian Federation
E-mail: Igor.V.Ryabov@lukoil.com
A.A. Mikhaylovsky, junior researcher, LUKOIL-Engineering LLC
143A, Respublika Str., 625026, Tyumen, Russian Federation
E-mail: Aleksandr.Mikhaylovskiy@lukoil.com
N.V. Nosov, geologist of the 2nd category, LUKOIL-Engineering LLC
143A, Respublika Str., 625026, Tyumen, Russian Federation
E-mail: Nikita.Nosov@lukoil.com
For citation:
R.I. Fazlullin, O.V. Kolnogorova, I.V. Ryabov, A.A. Mikhaylovsky, N.V. Nosov Povysheniye effektivnosti razrabotki vozvratnykh/vtorostepennykh ob"yektov na primere ob"yekta BVZ [Improving the efficiency of the development of returnable/secondary facilities on the example of the BV3 facility]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(40), 2024. pp. 137-161. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.4.137-161. EDN GPVIYD (in Russian)