N.V. Ovinnikov, E.V. Deriglazov, N.V. Strizhov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.3.292-307
The modern direction for all oil producing companies is to increase the profitability of the fields being developed by reducing capital costs and early monetization of the products produced.
In this regard, at the early stages of field development, as a rule, due to insufficient knowledge of borehole fluids, technological problems arise in the separation of material flows and the preparation of marketable products. This is especially important in the preparation of well products containing hydrogen sulfide, sulfur compounds, carbon dioxide, highly concentrated brines, salts in the dispersed phase (the presence of salts in oil in the absence of water). Such a set of complicating factors is possessed by the fluids of the oil and gas bearing formations of the Buzuluk oil and gas region of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. At the same time, especially at the early stage of field development, subsurface users cannot always take into account the complicating factors that are initially absent and manifest themselves quite a long time after the start of operation.
This article, intended for a wide range of specialists involved in field development, well product preparation, design of oil (condensate), gas and produced reservoir water treatment facilities, outlines the main aspects that complicate the separation and preparation of well products to the required parameters, and recommendations on methods to overcome them for the Volga-Ural oil and gas province of Buzuluk the oil and gas region.
The authors express their gratitude to E. M. Weitz and E.B. Valyanina (Hydrogeology LLC, Tomsk) for their work on modeling the mixing of waters of formations D0-1, C4-C6, A4, A3, fresh water of the Upper Permian carbonate-terrigenous hydrogeological complex (P2t) to identify possible complications as a result of mixing of reservoir waters during preparation oil and associated reservoir water.
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N.V. Ovinnikov, senior specialist, «Research Center GasInformPlast» LLC
3, Television lane, Tomsk, 634003, Russian Federation
E-mail: Ovinnikovnv@tomsk.oilteam.ru
E.V. Deriglazov, Deputy Chief Engineer for Site Facilities, «Research Center GasInformPlast» LLC
3, Television lane, Tomsk, 634003, Russian Federation
E-mail: DeriglazovEV@tomsk.oilteam.ru
N.V. Strizhov, director, «Research Center GasInformPlast» LLC
3, Television lane, Tomsk, 634003, Russian Federation
E-mail: StrizhovNV@tomsk.oilteam.ru
For citation:
N.V. Ovinnikov, E.V. Deriglazov, N.V. Strizhov Tehnologicheskie aspekty podgotovki nefti, poputno dobyvayemoy plastovoy vody i vody dlya zavodneniya ekspluatatsionnykh ob"yektov neftyanykh plastov (sistema podderzhaniya plastovogo davleniya PPD) Volgo-Ural'skoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii Buzulukskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti [Technological aspects of Oil treatment, Associated produced reservoir Water and Water for flooding of Oil Reservoir Production Facilities (Reservoir Pressure Maintenance System PPD) Volga-Ural oil and gas province of Buzuluk oil and gas region]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(39), 2024. pp. 292-307. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.3.292-307. EDN QXKXFS (in Russian)