Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 3(39), 2024

Features of rheological properties of polyacrylamide gel during loading and unloading

V.A. Iktisanov, N.A. Gordimanov, A.V. Iktisanov, K.G. Sahabutdinov


Using the previously proposed rheological models, a description of the main characteristics of PAA solutions was made with a high degree of accuracy during loading and unloading. It has been shown that the description of flow curves can be performed both when setting a constant viscosity for a specific shear rate and when considering viscosity as a function of time-varying stress. In the latter case, in addition to viscoelastic properties, the thixotropic properties, i.e., the destruction and recovery of the structure, are additionally taken into account. It has been found that the coefficients of model, which are well-known rheological parameters from the Maxwell and Kelvin-Voigt equations, have a physical meaning and correlate with a high degree of accuracy among themselves and from the steady-state stress and shear rate. The commonly used terms "stress relaxation" and "shear delay" are only applicable for unloading. Under loading, both stress and shear increase. Therefore, in general, the parameters of the Maxwell and Kelvin-Voigt models have a wider range of applicability. In this case, additional (secondary) shear and shear rate occur almost immediately after loading or unloading, rather than after a certain time has elapsed, as commonly believed. An unexpected effect was observed - the secondary shear during PAA loading was maximal for small steady-state stresses and minimal for large stresses. Conversely, when unloading, the opposite trends were observed.

Key words:

viscoelastic properties, nonlinear viscous properties, thixotropy, polyacrylamide, additional shear, modulus of elasticity


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V.A. Iktisanov, Dr.Sc., Professor, Oil Field Development Department, «St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II»
2, 21 Line, Vasilyevsky Island, 199106, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

N.A. Gordimanov, Student, «St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II»
2, 21 Line, Vasilyevsky Island, 199106, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

A.V. Iktisanov, Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)
9, Institutsky Lane, 141701, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russian Federation

K.G. Sahabutdinov, Lead Expert, HSE Center, TatNIPIneft Institute - PJSC TATNEFT
64, Djalil Str., 423241, Bugulma, Russian Federation

For citation:

V.A. Iktisanov, N.A. Gordimanov, A.V. Iktisanov, K.G. Sahabutdinov Osobennosti reologicheskikh svoystv gelya poliakrilamida pri yego nagruzhenii i razgruzke [Features of rheological properties of polyacrylamide gel during loading and unloading]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(39), 2024. pp. 249-269. DOI EDN SGKIZL (in Russian)

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