Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 2(38), 2024

Methods of combating watering in gas condensate wells, possibilities of using surfactants and rationale for its selection

E.B. Guseynov, A.T. Zaripov, R.R. Sultanbekov, A.F. Shaikhutdinova


Abstract. The article discusses methods of domestic and foreign technologies for operating gas condensate wells. The most probable reasons for watering of gas condensate wells are given, methods of combating watering, existing types and modern types of surfactants, methods for selecting surfactants, equipment for laboratory research, as well as methods for delivering surfactants to the bottom of a gas condensate well with horizontal end for the purpose of removing fluid from the bottom.

Key words:

gas, gas condensate, well, watering, surfactant, types of surfactants, methods for researching surfactants, laboratory testing of surfactants, equipment for laboratory research


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E.B. Guseynov, graduate student, Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, Almetyevsk State University of Technology – Higher Petroleum School
2, Lenin Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

A.T. Zaripov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of the TatNIPIneft Institute - PJSC TATNEFT
186a, Sovetskaya Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

R.R. Sultanbekov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II
21 line, no. 2, Vasilyevsky Island, St. Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation

A.F. Shaikhutdinova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Almetyevsk State University of Technology – Higher Petroleum School
2, Lenin Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

For citation:

E.B. Guseynov, A.T. Zaripov, R.R. Sultanbekov, A.F. Shaikhutdinova Sposoby bor'by s obvodneniyem gazokondensatnykh skvazhin, vozmozhnosti primeneniya poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv i obosnovaniye yego podbora [Methods of combating watering in gas condensate wells, possibilities of using surfactants and rationale for its selection]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(38), 2024. pp. 90-128. 

DOI EDN NVRPPU (in Russian)

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