Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 2(38), 2024

Analysis of multi-function guide shoes for running casing strings and profile liners into horizontal and multilateral wells

А.А. Мukhametshin, A.L. Nasyrov, I.N. Tarasov, A.Z. Khakimov


The trend toward drilling more horizontal wells and horizontal sidetracks has revealed that the existing technologies for running casing strings with conventional shoes do not fully meet new requirements and in most cases cannot ensure trouble-free casing run to target depth. This necessitates pulling the casing strings out of hole, multiple reaming and flushing operations in horizontal hole sections and rerunning of casing strings or perforated sections in hole. The technology is more challenging in horizontal sidetracks because drilling equipment has to pass through casing window and also due to small hole diameters, high probability of technogenic impacts within drilling targets (reservoir pressure maintenance, production operations, extensive production enhancement and well intervention activities, etc.), high degree of data uncertainty in pressure-versus-depth plots, which results in operational problems, such as unexpected severe circulation losses, gas and oil shows, hole sloughing, differential sticking and so on. Vast experience of Russian and foreign service companies has shown that construction of horizontal sidetracks and multilateral wells in intensively developed fields at the late stage of development is inevitably associated with big challenges and high accident risks, which necessitates development of more efficient process equipment and technological solutions.

Key words:

horizontal well, horizontal sidetrack, multilateral well, casing string, liner, setting head, retrievable guide shoe


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А.А. Мukhametshin, PhD, Leading Research Associate, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
186a, Sovetskaya Str., Almetyevsk, 423403, Russian Federation

A.L. Nasyrov, Research Associate, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
186a, Sovetskaya Str., Almetyevsk, 423403, Russian Federation

I.N. Tarasov, 3rd year Undergraduate Student, Almetyevsk State University of Technology – Higher Petroleum School
186a, Sovetskaya Str., Almetyevsk, 423403, Russian Federation

A.Z. Khakimov, 3rd year Undergraduate Student, Almetyevsk State University of Technology – Higher Petroleum School
186a, Sovetskaya Str., Almetyevsk, 423403, Russian Federation

For citation:

А.А. Мukhametshin, A.L. Nasyrov, I.N. Tarasov, A.Z. Khakimov Analiz mnogofunktsional'nykh bashmakov dlya spuska obsadnykh kolonn i profil'nykh perekryvateley v gorizontal'nyye skvazhiny i dopolnitel'nyye stvoly mnogozaboynykh skvazhin [Analysis of multi-function guide shoes for running casing strings and profile liners into horizontal and multilateral wells]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(38), 2024. pp. 254-271. 

DOI EDN LHMEJG (in Russian)

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