Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 1(33), 2023

Development of special fluids for gas well repair in conditions of abnormally low reservoir pressures

Singurov A.A.


Increasing the efficiency of well workover (WO) at the final stage of the development of oil and gas fields requires continuous improvement of workover technologies in conditions of abnormally low reservoir pressure (ANRP). One of the directions for solving this problem is the substantiation and selection of gas-liquid foam systems as flushing and special fluids for cattle under ANRP conditions.
The article solves the problems of studying the properties of foams and foam-forming liquid (FFL), including woodworking waste, under various thermobaric conditions.
Functional diagrams of instruments for studying foam systems are given.
The author has developed and implemented in the depleted fields of the North of Russia new compositions of POL to obtain stable three-phase foams that do not reduce the porosity and permeability properties (PRP) of the bottomhole formation zone (BFZ).

Key words:

gas well, abnormally low reservoir pressures, well overhaul, special fluids


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A.A. Singurov, PhD (candidate of technical sciences), Deputy Production Director – LNG/OET/TLU Assets Manager of Production Directorate od Sakhalin Energy project, Limited Liability Company “Gazprom Personnel” (LLC GAZPROM PERSONNEL)
16, Nametkina st., Moscow, 117420, Russian Federation

For citation:

Singurov A.A. Razrabotka spetsial'nykh zhidkostey dlya remonta gazovykh skvazhin v usloviyakh ANPD [Development of special fluids for gas well repair in conditions of abnormally low reservoir pressures]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(33), 2023. pp. 179-196. DOI EDN KWUCZO (in Russian)

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