Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya Provintsiya № 2(30) 2021

Influence of the filtration channels area on well productivity during the secondary opening of the productive horizon in the carbonate sequence (C.111-119)

R.Z. Mukhametshin, R.R. Sadykov



​On the example of a high-viscosity oil deposit of the Bashkirian stage of the field in the Melekesskaya depression, an assessment was made of the influence of filtration channels on the production capabilities of wells. The methodological approach adopted in the analysis made it possible to come to the conclusion: 1) about insufficient density of perforation holes during the secondary opening of the carbonate productive horizon; 2) under conditions of saturation of reservoir rocks with high-viscosity oil, the depth of penetration of perforation holes begins to play a less significant role; 3) on the availability of a reserve of production opportunities to increase the productivity of wells.

Key words:

Carbonate reservoir, high-viscosity oil, Bashkirian stage, Melekesskaya depression, secondary exposure, low-productive reservoir, perforation, filtration channel, optimization of perforation density, methodical approach


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R.Z. Mukhametshin, Dr. Sc., Professor of Oil and Gas Geology Chair at Kazan Federal University; Professor of Lithology and Geology of Fossil Fuels Chair at Ural State Mining University
Researcher-ID: ABF-6118-2021
Scopus author ID: 6602628562
ORCID: 0000-0001-5346-7809
Google scholar:
4/5, Kremlin st. Kazan, 420111, Russia

R.R. Sadykov, Master student of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies, Kazan Federal University
4/5, Kremlin st. Kazan, 420111, Russia

For citation:

R.Z. Mukhametshin, R.R. Sadykov Otsenka vliyaniya ploshchadi fil'tratsionnykh kanalov na produktivnost' skvazhiny pri vtorichnom vskrytii produktivnogo gorizonta v karbonatnoy tolshche [Influence of the filtration channels area on well productivity during the secondary opening of the productive horizon in the carbonate sequence]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(30), 2022. pp. 111-119. DOI EDN NUUDDW (in Russian)

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