K.A. Senkina
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.4.47-62
The main potential of the oil and gas potential of the north of Western Siberia is associated with the Neocomian clinoform complex. Due to the significant depths of the promising objects, their study by deep drilling remains extremely low to this day. In this connection, the question arises in the development of search criteria for finding traps in this section interval. This is the relevance of the presented work.
The article proposes a solution to the described problem using acoustic modeling of sequences of the Neocomian complex on the example of a typical section of the north of Western Siberia. The basis for the application of this technique is the separation of gas-saturated sandstones and clay interlayers in the field of acoustic impedance. A complicating factor in solving this issue is the weak drilling of the studied territory. As a result of the work, the advantages of using the algorithm are highlighted, as well as the possible risks and limitations of the method are highlighted. The results presented in the article make it possible to increase the efficiency of geological exploration in conditions of a shortage of well information.
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K.A. Senkina, specialist, Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC
19, Perekopskaya Str., 625003, Tyumen, Russian Federation
E-mail: kasenkina@tnnc.rosneft.ru
For citation:
K.A. Senkina Razrabotka poiskovyh kriteriev lovushek UV v neokomskom klinoformnom komplekse severa Zapadnoj Sibiri na osnove akusticheskogo modelirovaniya [Development of search criteria for hydrocarbon traps in the Neo-comian clinoform complex in the north of Western Siberia based on acoustic modeling]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(40), 2024. pp. 47-62. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.4.47-62. EDN QUENAN (in Russian)