Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 4(40), 2024

The use of multidimensional tabulated models in optimizing the operation of gas fields in real time

A.N. Kharitonov, A.V. Strekalov, A.V. Dunaev, V.V. Kozlov, D.V. Zelenin


Modern information systems for managing the operation of gas fields, developed as part of the digital transformation of oil and gas producing enterprises, must have high performance to solve optimization problems in real time. Therefore, the use of sufficiently complex models in the digital twin of the field (DTF), built in commercial simulators of technological processes of gas production, is not always able to provide the required calculation speed. The authors propose a new approach based on the use of simplified tabulated models of gas treatment plants in the DTF, which is implemented by initially constructing initial models in a technological simulator and performing multi-scenario calculations in specified ranges of parameter changes. The calculation results are summarized in n-dimensional spreadsheets – tabulated models that are connected to the DTF. The paper presents an algorithm for constructing and updating tabulated models during the operation of a field, as well as describes the procedures for direct and reverse search of output and input parameters. Testing of tabulated models for the real gas condensate field of PJSC NK Rosneft and comparison with calculations based on the initial model confirmed the efficiency of the proposed approach.

Key words:

gas field, integrated gas treatment plant, booster compressor station, digital transformation, digital twin of field, modeling of gas treatment plants, integrated model, tabulated model, automatic field control system, information system


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A.N. Kharitonov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior expert of the Department of Development of Oil and Gas Production Technologies, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko Str., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation

A.V. Strekalov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior expert of the Department of Development of Oil and Gas Production Technologies, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko Str., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation

A.V. Dunaev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist of the Department of Development of Oil and Gas Production Technologies, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko Str., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation

V.V. Kozlov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, г Chief Specialist of the Department of Development of Oil and Gas Production Technologies, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko Str., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation

D.V. Zelenin, Manager of the Department of Development of Oil and Gas Production Technologies, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko Str., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation

For citation:

A.N. Kharitonov, A.V. Strekalov, A.V. Dunaev, V.V. Kozlov, D.V. Zelenin Primenenie mnogomernyh tabulirovannyh modeley pri optimizacii raboty gazovyh promyslov v regime real’nogo vremeni [The use of multidimensional tabulated models in optimizing the operation of gas fields in real time]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(40), 2024. pp. 233-252. DOI EDN GIPUBQ (in Russian)

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