Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 4(40), 2024

Study of patterns and analysis of the formation of hydrocarbon deposits as an effective method of evidence base in the historical period (using the example of a group of fields in the Ustyurt oil and gas region)

M.Kh. Iskandarov, M.S. Sunnatov, Sh.A. Umarov, S.S. Khabibullaev, I.N. Khakimzyanov, Kh.Kh. Nurilloev, A.U. Mirzaev


This article is devoted to fundamental scientific research into the analysis of patterns of formation of hydrocarbon deposits, as an effective method of evidence base over a long historical period (using the example of a group of deposits in the Ustyurt oil and gas region).
The works of many scientists from Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and many other leading scientific centers of the oil and gas industry in the world are devoted to identifying the patterns of formation of fields over a long historical period. This problem and the research methods and techniques used cause a lot of controversy and discussion among scientists. Many areas of this fundamental problem have not been fully studied, and each scientific school applies its own research methods. The use of effective methods for studying patterns and analyzing the formation of deposits over a long historical period is an urgent task of modern oil and gas geological science.
Taking into account the above, the authors of this article, when solving some aspects of this problem, consider the process of hydrocarbon formation as an effective method of evidence base. Therefore, to solve this urgent problem, the authors of the article conducted research and presented an attempt to study the patterns and analyze the formation of hydrocarbon raw material deposits (HC raw materials) in the Jurassic and Paleozoic deposits of the Shagyrlyk-Shegein group of fields (Republic of Karakalpakstan) using innovative techniques. Accordingly, the solution of this type of large-scale fundamental research makes it possible to determine the prospects for the development of the oil and gas sector, carrying out geological exploration work (GRR) and identifying deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials.
The use of innovative techniques for searching for oil and gas promising structures in Jurassic and Paleozoic deposits by identifying and tracing submerged local extension zones that control oil and gas shows and hydrocarbon deposits in Jurassic and Paleozoic deposits contributes to the effective solution of the tasks.
It should be noted that the process of searching for oil and gas deposits can be compared to the search for truth, where all forecasts, arguments and arguments must be based on an evidence base.
To carry out this kind of fundamental research, it is necessary to have theoretical (knowledge base) and practical experience based on a large amount of factual material. Also, to analyze them, use modern methods of geological modeling, methods of exploration and deep drilling of wells, information and communication technologies, software systems, tools and practical skills. It is also necessary to effectively apply modern standards of oil and gas geology.

Key words:

patterns, formation of deposits, search, Jurassic and Paleozoic deposits, area, structure, section, admixture, drilling, well, horizon, hydrocarbon, deep faults, blocks, interval, local extension zones, CDP-3D seismic exploration, Shagyrlyk-Shegeinsky group of fields, oil and gas potential, Ustyurt oil and gas region, migration, block


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15. Iskandarov M.Kh., Umarov Sh.A., Khabibulaev S.S., Prospects for the development of oil and gas fields in Neogene-Quarternary, Paleogene, Upper and Lower Cretaceous deposits (using the example of the Bukhara-Khiva and Ustyurt oil and gas regions). // CASPIAN BASIN CONFERENCE. Baku. June 3-6, 2024. p. 23. (in English)


M.Kh. Iskandarov, senior researcher, JSC «O’ZLITINEFTGAZ»
2, Taras Shevchenko Str., Tashkent, 100063, Uzbekistan

M.S. Sunnatov, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of geological and mineralogical sciences. Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC «O’ZLITINEFTGAZ»
2, Taras Shevchenko Str., Tashkent, 100063, Uzbekistan

Sh.A. Umarov, candidate of technical sciences, Head of Department, Navoi Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
170, Galaba Str., Navoi, 210100, Uzbekistan

S.S. Khabibullaev, Chief specialist of the Ministry of Mining and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
11, Taras Shevchenko Str., Tashkent, 100063, Uzbekistan

I.N. Khakimzyanov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of the Oil Field Development Department TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT; Professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Exploration and Development Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch of the University in the City of Oktyabrsky
75, Lenina Str., Almetyevsk, 423462, Russian Federation

Kh.Kh. Nurilloev, Leading Geologist, IP «PETROMARUZ UZBEKISTAN»
114, Shota Rustaveli Str., Tashkent, 100059, Yakkasaray district, Uzbekistan

A.U. Mirzaev, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Navoi Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
170, Galaba Str., Navoi, 210100, Uzbekistan

For citation:

M.Kh. Iskandarov, M.S. Sunnatov, Sh.A. Umarov, S.S. Khabibullaev, I.N. Khakimzyanov, Kh.Kh. Nurilloev, A.U. Mirzaev Izucheniye zakonomernostey i analiza formirovaniya mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodnogo syr'ya, kak effektivnyy metod dokazatel'noy bazy v istoricheskiy period (na primere gruppy mestorozhdeniy Ustyurtskogo neftegazonosnogo regiona) [Study of patterns and analysis of the formation of hydrocarbon deposits as an effective method of evidence base in the historical period (using the example of a group of fields in the Ustyurt oil and gas region)]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(40), 2024. pp. 23-46. DOI EDN ZWRBDX (in Russian)

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