Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 4(40), 2024

Approaches to carrying out geological and technical activities at the complex development formation of the Khamakinsky horizon in Eastern Siberia (using the example of the B10 formation)

Ya.A. Kruglov, O.V. Tyukavkina


The article briefly describes some features of the geological structure of a complex development formation - the B10 layer of the Khamakinsky horizon. The B10 layer of the Khamakinsky horizon has the following specific features that negatively affect the state of the reservoir properties of the layer: hydrophobicity, anhydritization, susceptibility to aggression from aqueous solutions of well killing, bituminization.
The rationale for conducting geological and technical activities is presented, taking into account complicating factors and reservoir characteristics. The article shows that the technological efficiency of the proposed technologies and technical solutions is associated with the use of the most optimal killing fluids for the B10 formation (in workover operations) on a hydrocarbon basis (commercial oil, reverse water-oil emulsion). The technology of gas-dynamic rupture of the B10 formation is presented, which has demonstrated its effectiveness during experimental work on three wells in the study oil field. The complex effect consists of creating artificial fracturing and local heating of the well's Bottomhole zone, which made it possible to obtain an increase in oil flow rate from 3.5 to 5 tons/day and increase the productivity coefficient by 15 %.

Key words:

gas dynamic rupture, well killing fluid, well productivity coefficient, geological and technical activities


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Ya.A. Kruglov, Chief Technologist of the Geology and Development Department of JSC "IGIRGI"; JSC «Institute of Geology and Development of Fossil Fuels» (JSC «IGIRGI»)
25/1, Vavilova Str., Moscow, 117312, Russian Federation

O.V. Tyukavkina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geology and Exploration of Hydrocarbon Deposits, Russian State Geological Prospecting University by Sergo Ordzhonikidze
23, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation

For citation:

Ya.A. Kruglov, O.V. Tyukavkina Podkhody k provedeniyu geologo-tekhnicheskikh meropriyatiy na slozhnopostroyennyy ob"yekt razrabotki khamakinskogo gorizonta Vostochnoy Sibiri (na primere plasta V10) [Approaches to carrying out geological and technical activities at the complex development formation of the Khamakinsky horizon in Eastern Siberia (using the example of the B10 formation)]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(40), 2024. pp. 186-205. DOI EDN DDAWKL (in Russian)

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