Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 2(38), 2024

Experience in constructing a structural framework for a geological model of strata of the Pokur Formation in the north of Western Siberia

K.B. Kuziv, D.A. Leikom


The work analyzes one of the most important and complex stages of constructing geological models of the Kharampur field, which directly affects the process of calculating hydrocarbon reserves, planning the process of developing oil and gas deposits, as well as assessing promising zones - the creation of a structural framework. Seismic and geological correlation of layers affects, first the geometrization of known deposits and the distribution of promising oil and gas zones.
The complexity of modeling the structure of the Pokur deposits is associated with the predominantly continental genesis of the deposits of the Pokur strata, which determines their high geological heterogeneity and lateral variability of the section, which is reflected in seismic sections. The article describes the process of correlation of productive strata of the Pokur formation of continental origin, the methodology of seismic calculations, as well as an algorithm for modeling the structural basis of the pokur deposits.

Key words:

geological section, Western Siberia, Pokurskaya suite, reflecting horizon, roof, structural frame


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K.B. Kuziv, chief specialist UGRM of the East of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug,
Tyumen petroleum research center LLC
79/1, Osipenko Str., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation

D.A. Leikom, specialist, Geology and Licensing Department, Kharampurneftegaz LLC
7b, Odesskaya Str., Tyumen, 625023, Russian Federation

For citation:

K.B. Kuziv, D.A. Leikom Opyt postroyeniya strukturnogo karkasa geologicheskoy modeli plastov pokurskoy svity na severe Zapadnoy Sibiri [Experience in constructing a structural framework for a geological model of strata of the Pokur Formation in the north of Western Siberia]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(38), 2024. pp. 31-43. DOI EDN GNBLES (in Russian)

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