Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 2(38), 2024

Controlling the kinetics and rheology of acid systems to improve acid well treatments

I.I. Mannanov, G.R. Ganieva, A.R. Faizov, A.R. Gimaeva


According to various estimates, the world hydrocarbon reserves in carbonate reservoirs range from 38% to 60%. A characteristic feature of carbonate reservoirs field development is the complexity of controlling filtration processes caused by the structure of the void space of the carbonate matrix of reservoir rocks.
According to geometrical criteria, the following can be distinguished in the void space: porosity (intergranular porosity), cavernousness (intergranular porosity), fracturing. Moreover, in carbonate rocks, various combinations of void space types can occur: pore-cavernous, pore-cracked, pore-cavernous-cracked, pore-cavernous-cracked and other reservoirs [1].
The strong differentiation of reservoir properties creates certain difficulties in performing conventional acid stimulation techniques for carbonate reservoir development. Carbonate minerals actively interact with most inorganic and organic acids. Traditionally, 10-15% hydrochloric acid solutions are used for acid treatments due to its high solubility and low cost. In order to carry out acid treatments of productive formations, complex compositions based on hydrochloric acid with various components allowing to regulate the properties are used. In this case, the characteristic features describing the dissolution process are the reaction rate and the reaction constant. One of the solutions to obtain physical values of solubility rate and kinetics is the use of volumetric estimation method. The use of this method involves the study of the rate of carbon dioxide release during the reaction process with subsequent data processing. In the work was used one of the versions of equipment for automated data acquisition reflecting the rate of carbon dioxide release during the chemical reaction installation “PIK-OSG” JSC “Geologika”.

Key words:

carbonate reservoir, porosity, filtration, hydrochloric acid, reservoir, reaction rate, kinetics, carbon dioxide


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I.I. Mannanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Development and Operation of Hard-to-Recover Hydrocarbon Deposits, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies - Kazan Federal University
4/5, Kremlin Str., Kazan, 420011, Russian Federation

G.R. Ganieva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Development and Operation of Hard-to-Recover Hydrocarbon Deposits, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies - Kazan Federal University
4/5, Kremlin Str., Kazan, 420011, Russian Federation

A.R. Faizov, student Department of Development and Operation of Hard-to-Recover Hydrocarbon Deposits, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies - Kazan Federal University
4/5, Kremlin Str., Kazan, 420011, Russian Federation

A.R. Gimaeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Development and Operation of Hard-to-Recover Hydrocarbon Deposits, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies - Kazan Federal University
4/5, Kremlin Str., Kazan, 420011, Russian Federation

For citation:

I.I. Mannanov, G.R. Ganieva, A.R. Faizov, A.R. Gimaeva Upravlenie kinetikoj i reologiej kislotnyh sistem dlya sovershenstvovaniya kislotnyh obrabotok skvazhin [Controlling the kinetics and rheology of acid systems to improve acid well treatments]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(38), 2024. pp. 177-192. DOI EDN WHRSSV (in Russian)

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