Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 2(38), 2024

Studying impact of a relative permeability modifier on capillary imbibition process and evaluation of its adverse effect on physical and chemical properties of fracking fluid

R.L. Budkevich, I.A. Alenkin, T.T. Belova, R.R. Zakirov, A.Kh. Kabirova


One of the ways to intensify oil production and simultaneously control the water content of products during hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is the use of relative permeability modifiers. Since this modifier is resistant to high shear rates, it can be pumped under high pressure and at a high feed rate. A characteristic feature of the relative permeability modifiers is that it is compatible with almost any water-based hydraulic fracturing fluids that are used in hydraulic fracturing on terrigenous reservoirs. The use of relative permeability modifiers makes it possible to increase the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing by effectively reducing water permeability and maintaining oil and gas permeability. The article shows the results of experimental studies to study the effect of the relative permeability modifiers on rheological characteristics, sand-holding capacity of hydraulic fracturing fluid. The dependence of the filtration time of the hydraulic fracturing fluid through the proppant pack on the concentration of the relative permeability modifiers is shown. As a result of the research, the most effective concentration of permeability modifier for rocks with a clay content of 1.5 – 5.5%.

Key words:

hydraulic fracturing, permeability modifier, compatibility, hydrophilicity, hydrophobicity, rheology, filtration, proppant pack, clayiness


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R.L. Budkevich, PhD, Head of Laboratory, Almetyevsk State University of Technology – Higher Petroleum School
2, Lenin Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

I.A. Alenkin, Lab technician, Engineer, Oil-field chemistry laboratory, Almetyevsk State University of Technology – Higher Petroleum School
2, Lenin Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

T.T. Belova, Laboratory Engineer, Almetyevsk State University of Technology – Higher Petroleum School
2, Lenin Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

R.R. Zakirov, Engineer, Oil-field chemistry laboratory, Almetyevsk State University of Technology – Higher Petroleum School
2, Lenin Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

A.Kh. Kabirova, PhD, Senior Researcher, Formation Evaluation and Well Test Department, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
186a, Sovetskaya Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

For citation:

R.L. Budkevich, I.A. Alenkin, T.T. Belova, R.R. Zakirov, A.Kh. Kabirova Issledovaniye vozdeystviya modifikatora otnositel'noy pronitsayemosti na protsess kapillyarnoy pro-pitki i opredeleniye yego negativnogo vliyaniya na fiziko-khimicheskiye svoystva zhidkosti dlya gidravli-cheskogo razryva plasta [Studying impact of a relative permeability modifier on capillary imbibition process and evaluation of its adverse effect on physical and chemical properties of fracking fluid]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(38), 2024. pp. 142-155. DOI

EDN EQMQCX (in Russian)

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