Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 2(38), 2024

Approbation of technology for regulating the coverage of reservoirs by flooding using a thermotropic composition based on aluminum chloride and urea

S.F. Mambetov, A.M. Ignatiev, A.M. Farrakhov


Thermotropic compositions used in physico-chemical methods of increasing oil recovery technologies are a separate group of reagents, the effectiveness of which depends on the parameters of the reservoir temperature. This condition is due to the fact that the qualitative formation of a water-insulating barrier can be ensured only at the expense of the thermal energy of the layer, since thermotropic compositions belong to thixotropic pseudoplastic systems of the coagulation structure. In most cases, compositions based on aluminum chloride and urea (urea) are used as thermotropic formulations. When such a thermotropic composition is injected into the formation under the influence of temperature, a volumetric inorganic aluminum hydroxide gel is formed, which cools the treated reservoir intervals away from the bottom of the treated well, which contributes to the intra-reservoir redistribution of filtration flows and connection to the development of new oil-saturated intervals [1].
Experimental work performed in conditions of low-permeable high-temperature formations of a number of fields in Western Siberia showed fairly high results in increasing oil recovery. The technology is recommended for industrial implementation.

Key words:

methods of oil recovery enhancement, flow diverting technologies, injection of low-volume rims of gel-forming compounds oil cleaning agents, thermotropic compositions, integrated EOR technologies


1. Zemtsov Yu.V., Mazaev. V.V. In: Current state of physical and chemical methods for enhanced oil recovery (Literary and patent review). – Ekaterinburg: LLC « Publishing Solutions», –2021. – 131 р. (in Russian)

2. Kazakov A.A. In: Oil-water displacement characterization methods – M.: «Publishing House Nedra», 2020. – 276 p. (in Russian)

3. EOR Effect + The most powerful tool for calculating the effectiveness of conducted geological and technological measures // (in Russian)


S.F. Mambetov, Chief Specialist, Technological Development and Pilot Works, «LUKOIL Engineering» LLC
19/17, Tsentralnaya Str., Kogalym, 628481, Russian Federation

A.M. Ignatiev, Head of Department, Department of Technological Development and Pilot Works, «LUKOIL Engineering» LLC
19/17, Tsentralnaya Str., Kogalym, 628481, Russian Federation

A.M. Farrakhov, Senior Manager, Department of Technological Development and Pilot Works, «LUKOIL Engineering» LLC
19/17, Tsentralnaya Str., Kogalym, 628481, Russian Federation

For citation:

S.F. Mambetov, A.M. Ignatiev, A.M. Farrakhov Aprobatsiya tekhnologii po regulirovaniyu okhvata plastov zavodneniyem s primeneniyem termotropnoy kompozitsii na osnove khlorida alyuminiya i karbamida [Approbation of technology for regulating the coverage of reservoirs by flooding using a thermotropic composition based on aluminum chloride and urea]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(38), 2024. pp. 129-141. 

DOI EDN DHRILZ (in Russian)

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