Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 2(38), 2024

Analysis of oil-bearing complexes of the North Tatar arch in connection with the forecast of bituminosity on the upper section part of sedimentary cover

B.V. Uspensky, E.E. Andreeva, A.G. Baranova, A.V. Valeeva, G.M. Ionov


The article considers the structural features of the oil-bearing complexes of the North Tatar arch according to GIS data, core testing studies. The estimation of oil content by tectonic elements of the third order is presented. As a result of the work, data has been collected that can be used to assess the prospects of the oil and bitumen bearing capacity of the studied object according to an integrated approach in data analysis. The criteria for predicting the bituminosity of the upper part of the section of the sedimentary cover of the territory of the North Tatar arch are considered.

Key words:

oil-bearing complex, North Tatar arch, forecast, sedimentary cover, oil content of Tatarstan, prospects of bituminous activity


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2. Akishev I.M. / O perspektivax poiskov zalezhej nefti i prirodny`x bitumovv zapadnoj chasti Tatarskoj ASSR [On the prospects of searching for deposits of oil and natural bitumen in the western part of the Tatar ASSR] // Geology and assessment of prospects for oil and gas potential in the western regions of the Ural-Volga region – Kazan: Publishing house of KSU, 1983. Pp. 105-109. (in Russian)

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B.V. Uspensky, PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Geological and Environmental Modeling at the Institute of Ecology and Subsoil Use Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
28, Daurskaya Str., Kazan, 420087, Russian Federation

E.E Andreeva, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Geological and Environmental Modeling at the Institute of Ecology and Subsoil Use Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
28, Daurskaya Str., Kazan, 420087, Russian Federation

A.G. Baranova, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Geological and Environmental Modeling at the Institute of Ecology and Subsoil Use Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
28, Daurskaya Str., Kazan, 420087, Russian Federation

A.V. Valeeva, Head of the Sector, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
186a, Sovetskaya Str., Almetyevsk, 423458, Russian Federation

G.M. Ionov, Head of the Development Department, Kara Altyn Enterprise CJSC
48, Shevchenko Str., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation

For citation:

B.V. Uspensky, E.E. Andreeva, A.G. Baranova, A.V. Valeeva, G.M. Ionov Analiz neftenosnykh kompleksov Severo-Tatarskogo svoda v svyazi s prognozom bituminoznosti verkhney chasti razreza osadochnogo chekhla [Analysis of oil-bearing complexes of the North Tatar arch in connection with the forecast of bituminosity on the upper section part of sedimentary cover]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(38), 2024. pp. 1-8. 

DOI EDN LVIBGP (in Russian)

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