G.A. Nigametyanova, D.Z. Ishkin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.1.89-97
In this paper the problem of reservoir pressure estimation is considered based on hydrodynamic studies of wells (HPT) in transient filtration modes. Pressure build-up curves were modeled for different reservoir porosity and permeability properties. An approach has been developed that lets one make decisions to complete the study based on the pressure rate change, and achieve a given pressure build-up amount.
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G.A. Nigametyanova, leading specialist of the department of "Hydrodynamic Well Research", LLC «Ufa scientific and technical center»,
59, Aksakov st, Ufa, 450076, Russian Federation
E-mail: nigametyanovaga@ufntc.ru
D.Z. Ishkin, Head of the department of "Hydrodynamic Well Research",
LLC «Ufa scientific and technical center»,
59, Aksakov st, Ufa, 450076, Russian Federation
E-mail: ishkindinislam@yandex.ru
For citation:
G.A. Nigametyanova, D.Z. Ishkin Prognozirovaniye dlitel'nosti KVD na osnove parametrov plasta i zakanchivaniya skvazhin [Research of the degree of PBU curve depending on reservoir parameters and well completions]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(37), 2024. pp. 89-97.
DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2024.1.89-97. EDN GOAEHU (in Russian)