B.T. Makhmutov, R.Kh. Nizaev, M.V. Fedotov, R.R. Khasanov, V.A. Dekhtyarev, I.A. Musallyamov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2023.2.97-115
As the oil field development proceeds, more accurate subsurface information is acquired. At the same time, as reserves deplete, the current state of producing reservoirs changes. Wells drilled during the second or further phases of development tap reservoirs with oil saturation different from the initial one.
Considering possible discrepancies in depth measurements of highly deviated production wells, uncertainties in determination of top formation true depths occur, which, in turn, leads to doubts in correct distribution of residual oil reserves.
When creating geomodels or reservoir simulation ones during late stages of field development, it is necessary to not only determine current net pays based on log curves of the infill wells, but also it is vitally important to get back initial net pays to a reliable degree.
This paper discusses ways to re-confirm saturation behavior in wells drilled when production operations had already started and streamlines had already been active in the field. These approaches is based on open-hole and cased-hole logging data analysis, as well as the G&G study and well history analysis of the period of active oil production.
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2, Lenin str., 423462, Almetyevsk, Russian Federation
E-mail: mahmutov.b@yandex.ru
R.K. Nizaev, Dr.Sc., Professor of Chair of Oil and Gas Fields Development and Operation, Almetyevsk State Oil Institute (AGNI)
2, Lenin str., 423462, Almetyevsk, Russian Federation
E-mail: nizaev@tatnipi.ru
M.V. Fedotov, PhD Candidate, Chair of Oil and Gas Fields Development and Operation, Almetyevsk State Oil Institute (AGNI)
2, Lenin str., 423462, Almetyevsk, Russian Federation
E-mail: mv_fedotov@mail.ru
R.R. Khasanov, PhD Candidate, Chair of Oil and Gas Fields Development and Operation, Almetyevsk State Oil Institute (AGNI)
2, Lenin str., 423462, Almetyevsk, Russian Federation
E-mail: khasanovramzil@gmail.com
V.A. Dekhtyarev, Deputy Head of Modelling Center, Center of Technological Development, PJSC Tatneft
88, Telman str., 423462, Almetyevsk, Russian Federation
E-mail: slava.dekhtyarev@mail.ru
I.A. Musallyamov, Leading Engineer, Department of Geological and Reservoir Simulation Modelling and Development, Modelling Center, Center of Technological Development, PJSC Tatneft
88, Telman str., 423462, Almetyevsk, Russian Federation
E-mail: ilnbelmus@mail.ru
For citation:
B.T. Makhmutov, R.Kh. Nizaev, M.V. Fedotov, R.R. Khasanov, V.A. Dekhtyarev, I.A. Musallyamov Problema opredeleniya kharaktera nasyshcheniya v skvazhinah, proburennyh v processe ekspluatacii zalezhi [Issues in saturation behavior determination in infill-wells] Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(34), 2023. pp. 97-115. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2023.2.97-115. EDN KFNLTR (in Russian)