R.Kh. Nizaev, I.M. Bakirov, G.V. Аleksandrov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2023.2.183-190
The paper presents the results of thermal reservoir simulation modeling of air injection into reservoirs containing free formation water. Cumulative water production profiles at different initial oil saturations are presented. Simulations of larger air injection volumes to displace formation water result in oxygen concentration increase in the reaction zone to cause more oxygen to contact with oil in situ. The reaction rate between oxygen and hydrocarbons increases to boost low-temperature oxidation process. The paper describes temperature changes in the vicinity of injection well during air injection in Permian sediments and terrigenous sediments of the Carboniferous and Devonian at different initial oil saturations. Criterion of formation temperature increase up to self-ignition temperature right at the beginning of air injection into reservoirs containing free water is substantiated.
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5. Nizaev R.Kh., Aleksandrov G.V., Egorova Yu.L. Issledovanie kharaktera protekaniya vnutriplastovykh protsessov pri zakachke vozdukha v zalezhi vysokovyazkoy nefti s razlichnymi geologo fizicheskimi kharakteristikami i fiziko khimicheskimi svoystvami plastovoy nefti s pomoshch'yu gidrodinamicheskogo modelirovaniya [Study of the nature of in-situ processes during air injection into high-viscosity oil reservoirs with different geological and physical characteristics and physical and chemical properties of reservoir oil by means of reservoir simulation modeling]. Proceedings of SPE Technical Conference Tertiary Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods, Moscow 20-21 February 2018. Available at http://rca.spe.org/ru/events/spe-workshop-enchanced-oil-recovery/proceedings. (in Russian)
2, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423462, Russian Federation
Leading Research Associate, TatNIPIneft Institute-PJSC TATNEFT
40, M. Djalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: nizaev@tatnipi.ru
I.M. Bakirov, Dr.Sc., Professor, Chief Research Associate, Reservoir Engineering Department, TatNIPIneft Institute-PJSC TATNEFT
32, M. Djalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: Bakirov@tatnipi.ru
G.V. Аleksandrov, Junior Research Associate, Geological and Reservoir Simulation Modeling Laboratory, Reservoir Engineering Department, TatNIPIneft Institute-PJSC TATNEFT
32, M. Djalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: razrcmg@tatnipi.ru
For citation:
R.Kh. Nizaev, I.M. Bakirov, G.V. Аleksandrov Protsessy vnutriplastovogo goreniya pri zakachke vozdukha v oslozhnonnyye nalichiyem vodonasyshchennykh proplastkov zalezhi nefti [In-site combustion processes during air injection in oil reservoirs with water-saturated interlayers]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(34), 2023. pp. 183-190. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2023.2.183-190. EDN QUBITA (in Russian)