Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 1(33), 2023

Geochemical features and lithological-facies conditions of accumulation of the initial substrate in the oil-shale basin of Kyzylkum 

T.H. Shoymurotov, A.U. Mirzaev, I.N. Khakimzyanov, Sh.A. Umarov, A.A. Oripov, B.H. Toshpulatov


In the article under consideration, the task is to reflect the modern scientific level in the field of geological study and lithological-facies features of the oil-shale basin of Kyzylkum. Lithological and facisubstrate of oil shale in the sedimentation basin. The lithological and geochemical features, the mes modeling of the territory of Kyzylkum was performed during the accumulation of the initial material composition and metallicity of oil shales, which can be a strategic raw material for obtaining many valuable consumer goods, are characterized.

Key words:

oil shales, Paleogene, sediments, mineral, formation, formation, layers, area, deposits


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T.Kh. Shoymurotov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chief Scientific Adviser of the State Institution "IGIRNIGM" of the State Committee of Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
64, Olymlar st., Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Tashkent, 100069, Uzbekistan

A.U. Mirzaev, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Navoi Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
170, Galaba st., Navoi, 210100, Uzbekistan

I.N. Khakimzyanov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of the Oil Field Development Department TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT; Professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Exploration and Development Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch of the University in the City of Oktyabrsky
40, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation

Sh.A. Umarov, candidate of technical sciences, Head of Department, Navoi Branch of the Academy of Sciences
170, Galaba st., Navoi, 210100, Uzbekistan

A.A. Oripov, junior researcher of the State Institution "IGIRNIGM" of the State Committee of Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
64 Olymlar st., Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Tashkent, 100069, Uzbekistan
B.H. Tashpulatov, Master of the National University of Uzbekistan
NSU, Almazarsky district, Tashkent, 100095, Uzbekistan

For citation:

T.H. Shoymurotov, A.U. Mirzaev, I.N. Khakimzyanov, Sh.A. Umarov, A.A. Oripov, B.H. Toshpulatov Geokhimicheskiye osobennosti i litologo-fatsial'nyye usloviya nakopleniya iskhodnogo substrata v goryu-che-slantsevom basseyne Kyzylkuma [Geochemical features and lithological-facies conditions of accumulation of the initial substrate in the oil-shale basin of Kyzylkum]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(33), 2023. pp. 72-80. DOI EDN RTRURW (in Russian)

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