Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 1(33), 2023

Method for determining the period of working out of injection wells in low-permeable heterogeneous reservoirs

Y.A. Plitkina, E.I. Mamchistova


The paper presents a method for determining the individual period of working out of injection wells in conditions of low-permeable heterogeneous reservoirs. The method is based on an assessment of the change in the intensity of the reaction (interference) of the design injection well in the production mode from the launch of neighboring production wells.
To implement the method, it is required to calculate two scenarios on a hydrodynamic model and determine the first time derivative of the ratio of the normalized flow rates of each injection well in development. The optimal period of working out will correspond to the step at which the first derivative has the minimum value. At this point, the neighboring wells of the element begin to influence each other (mutual influence begins) and the design injection well must be transferred for injection. The period of working out of injection wells found by the presented method ensures the maximization of accumulated oil production due to timely transfer for injection.
The proposed algorithm requires less labor and computing resources compared to the traditional (multivariate) method due to fewer calculations on the model.

Key words:

low-permeability reservoir, well interaction, well interference, depletion mode, flooding element, efficiency of reservoir pressure maintenance system, period of working out of injection well, well flow rate dynamics, first derivative in time, accumulated oil production, hydrodynamic model


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Dikalov D.V., Patrakov D.P., Plitkina Y.A., Gladkikh M.A., Nikiforov D.V., Leskin F.Y., Zharkov A.V., Sudeev I.V. Vlijanie uzlovyh nagnetatel'nyh skvazhin na jeffektivnost' sistemy razrabotki Tjumenskoj svity na mestorozhdenijah PAO «NK «Rosneft'» [Influence of link injection wells on the efficiency of the Tyumen formation development system at the fields of Rosneft oil company]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(24), 2020. pp. 149-162. 
DOI: (in Russian)


Y.A. Plitkina, Deputy Head of department, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation

E.I. Mamchistova, Candidate of Technical Science, docent, FSBEI HE «Industrial University of Tyumen»
70, Melnikayte st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation

For citation:

Y.A. Plitkina, E.I. Mamchistova Sposob opredeleniya perioda otrabotki nagnetatel'nykh skvazhin v nizkopronitsayemykh neodnorodnykh kollektorakh. [Method for determining the period of working out of injection wells in low-permeable heterogeneous reservoirs]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(33), 2023. pp. 109-124. DOI EDN OKEXHF (in Russian)

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