Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 4(32), 2022

Determination of the optimal time for the introduction of injection wells in barrier flooding

N.A. Shtin, G.K. Kamaev, E.S. Shishkin


The article describes the main factors affecting the low efficiency of barrier flooding: late implementation, low injection volumes, large distance between production and injection wells, gas bypassing the created barrier. The influence of the delay in the implementation of barrier flooding on gas breakthroughs is considered in detail. Production wells are commissioned several months earlier than injection wells, during which time the gas, due to its high mobility, has time to break through to the bottomholes and leads to a decrease in oil production rates. On the example of a real field, it is shown how such wells can be "reanimated" by continuous water injection and the creation of a water barrier. The paper considers in detail the technology of barrier flooding from the standpoint of determining the optimal time for the introduction of injection wells to create a barrier. Estimation of the injection wells commissioning time in the barrier waterflooding element was made on a series of calculations on a hydrodynamic 3D model of the Verey object in the Chutyrskaya area. According to the results of calculations, it is shown that the most effective time for this object is the simultaneous launch of production and injection wells, or the start of injection three months before the start of production wells.

Key words:

barrier flooding, gas cap, gas breakthrough, oil rim, hydrodynamic model


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N.A. Shtin, Chief Specialist, Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC
175, Svobody st., Izhevsk, 426008, Russian Federation

G.K. Kamaev, Izhevsk

E.S. Shishkin, Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC
175, Svobody st., Izhevsk, 426008, Russian Federation

For citation:

N.A. Shtin, G.K. Kamaev, E.S. Shishkin Opredelenie optimal'nogo vremeni vvoda nagnetatel'nyh skvazhin pri bar'ernom zavodnenii [Determination of the optimal time for the introduction of injection wells in barrier flooding]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(32), 2022. pp. 267-276. DOI EDN ILXXFI (in Russian)

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