Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No.3(31),2022

Risks and uncertainties of determining the angles of fall of formations during the wiring of horizontal wells

K.V. Konstantinov, E.I. Lapina, V.A. Pukharev


As it is known, the main advantage of horizontal wells, compared with vertical ones, is an increase in flow rate due to the expansion of the drainage area and an increase in the filtration area [4]. A number of uncertainties and risks arise when drilling GS. One of these factors is the uncertainty of the angle of occurrence of the structure. It has a significant impact on the efficiency of horizontal shaft penetration. The paper considers the problem of uncertainty of the angles of incidence when accompanied by horizontal wells. Practical examples of well wiring in such conditions are also described.

Key words:

horizontal well, angle of incidence of formations, risks and uncertainties, geological model


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K.V. Konstantinov, Team Leader, Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation

Y.I. Lapina, Team Leader, Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation

V.A. Pukharev, Seismic Expert, Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation

For citation:

Konstantinov K.V., Lapina E.I., Pukharev Riski i neopredelennost' opredeleniya padeniya uglovykh plastov pri provodke gorizontal'nykh kvadrantov [Risks and uncertainties of determining the angles of fall of formations during the wiring of horizontal wells]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(31), 2022. pp. 68-78. DOI EDN CHVNEP (in Russian)

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