Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No.3(27),2021

The regulatory role of the state in the field of geological exploration of the subsurface

А.А. Popov, R.N. Salieva


The analysis of the normative legal regulation of relations in the field of geological exploration of the subsurface, as well as materials of law enforcement practice, is carried out. In the course of the analysis, it was revealed that the regulatory legal support for the state geological study of the subsurface is incomplete and fragmentary and requires updating and systematization. The conclusion is formulated that the most productive and effective scenario for the systematization of norms in the field of state geological study of subsurface resources may be a return to the idea of adopting the federal law "On Geological Study of Subsurface resources", which will fix the general basic requirements for the composition and types of work on state geological study, design, quality of geological information.

    Key words:

    subsurface use; geological study of subsurface resources; state regulation in the field of geological study; stages and stages of geological exploration, contract system in the field of procurement


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    A.A. Popov, PhD, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Associate Professor of Civil Law Department; Senior Research Associate; Institute of Ecology and Subsoil Use of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
    36, Stremyanny Lane, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation

    R.N. Salieva, Dr.Sc., Professor, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Ecology and Subsoil Use ofthe Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
    28, Daurskaya st., Kazan, 420087, Russian Federation

    For citation:

    А.А. Popov, R.N. Salieva Regulirujushhaja rol' gosudarstva v sfere geologicheskogo izuchenija nedr [The regulatory role of the state in the field of geological exploration of the subsurface]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(27), 2021. pp. 170-188. DOI (in Russian)

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