Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No.2(26),2021

Prospects for the application of radial oil drilling in the fields of the Udmurt Republic and neighboring regions

V.N. Kuzmin, S.M. Martynov, A.I. Mingazov


This article discusses the advantages of using the "Perfobur" technology over the already used methods of increasing oil recovery, such as hydrochloric acid treatment, large bottom-hole treatment and hydraulic fracturing. The summary result of the work is a proposal for the introduction in the territory of the Udmurt Republic of a promising method for increasing oil recovery of mechanical radial drilling using the "Perfobur" technology.

    Key words:

    field development, enhanced oil recovery, radial drilling, "Perfobur" technology


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    V.N. Kuzmin, PhD, Head of Drilling Department, Gutseriev Oil and Gas Institute, Udmurt State University
    1, Universitetskaya st., bldg. 7, Izhevsk, 426034, Russian Federation

    S.M. Martynov, Head of Well Construction Engineering Support Group, Izhevsk Oil Research Centre ZAO
    175, Svobody st., Izhevsk, 426008, Russian Federation

    A.I. Mingazov, 4th year student of Gutseriev Oil and Gas Institute, Udmurt State University
    1, Universitetskaya st., bldg. 7, Izhevsk, 426034, Russian Federation

    For citation:

    V.N. Kuzmin, S.M. Martynov, A.I. Mingazov Perspektivy primenenija radial'nogo burenija neftjanyh skvazhin na mestorozhdenijah Udmurtskoj Respubliki i sosednih regionov [Prospects for the application of radial oil drilling in the fields of the Udmurt Republic and neighboring regions]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(26), 2021. pp. 56-66. DOI (in Russian)

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