Parametric samplers for producing wells
A.A. Shakirov, L.F. Yusupova
Interest in representative sampling has recently increased due to foreign companies’ activity in the Russian geophysical market. Such issues as sampling in the annular space, nitrogen compensation of the sample taken have become currently important. PJSC NPP VNIIGIS takes measures in cooperation with PJSC TATNEFT to implement a new range of samplers for sampling in the annular space. Requirements for these samplers are the following: maximum downhole tool size is 28 mm, minimum sample volume is 300 ml, maximum length is 2000 mm. Precommissioning is currently underway at some of TATNEFT’s producing wells. This paper presents commercial samplers designed by PJSC NPP VNIIGIS.
A.A. Shakirov Probootborniki dlya neftegazovyh skvazhin [Samplers for oil and gas wells]. Karotazhnik, AIS Publ., 2016, No.7 (265), pp. 159-162 (in Russian)
A.A. Shakirov Tekhnologiya otbora prob v gorizontal'nyh skvazhinah [Sampling technology for horizontal wells]. Proceedings of the International Conference “Horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing to enhance oil field development efficiency”. Kazan, 6-7 September 2017, pp.292-294 (in Russian)
A.A. Shakirov, Yu.A. Gutorov Sovremennyj geofizicheskij informacionno-kommunikacionnyj kompleks dlya gid-rodinamicheskih issledovanij kollektorov nefti i gaza. [Present-day geophysical information and communication system for pressure transient tests]. Ufa, UGNTU, 2012, 374 p (in Russian)
A.A. Shakirov, Head of Production Well Logging Department, PJSC NPP VNIIGIS, Associate Professor, PJSC NPP VNIIGIS (Oktyabrsky)
1, Gorky st., Oktyabrsky, 452607, Russian Federation
L.F. Yusupova, Assistant Professor, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (Oktyabrsky Branch)
54 A, Devonskaya st., Oktyabrsky, 452607, Russian Federation
For citation:
A.A. Shakirov, L.F. Yusupova Parametricheskij rjad probootbornikov dlja jekspluatacionnyh skvazhin [Parametric samplers for producing wells]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(25), 2021. pp. 67-73. DOI (in Russian)