Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No.2(22),2020


A.A. Sadykov


Currently, most of the oil fields of the Republic of Tatarstan pay much attention to residual recoverable reserves, since the amount of “traditional” oil decreases every year. This trend imposes certain difficulties on the process of their extraction. However, with a full study of hard-to-recover reserves, it is possible to maintain stable oil production by involving such deposits or their parts in the development.

This article discusses a comprehensive study of the geological structure of an oil reservoir, together with an analysis of changes in reservoir pressure and current moving oil reserves. Based on the results obtained, the most favorable areas are selected for well drilling and geological and technical measures. It is assumed that these measures will make it possible to reasonably improve the development system of an oil deposit with an extensive oil and water zone to cover the development of residual reserves.

    Key words:

    timan horizon, geological structure, reserves, well, development object, production, reservoir pressure, injection, integrated, development system


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    A.A. Sadykov, 1st year Master’s Degree Student, Department of Oil and Gas Geology named after Academician A.A. Trofimuk, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University4/5, Kremlevskaya st., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation

    For citation:

    A.A. Sadykov Kompleksnyj podhod k analizu i sovershenstvovaniju sistemy razrabotki na primere neftjanoj zalezhi s obshirnoj vodo-neftjanoj zonoj [Integrated approach to analysis and improvement of the development system on the example of oil deposit with a wide water-oil zone]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(22), 2020. pp.49-58. DOI (in Russian)

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