Ya.I. Gilmanov, E.N. Salomatin, E.S. Abdrakhmanov
DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2019.4.86-104
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Ya.I. Gilmanov, PhD, Expert in Petrophysical Core Analysis, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: YIGilmanov@tnnc.rosneft.ru
E.N. Salomatin, Chief Specialist, Department of Petrophysical Core Analysis, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: ENSalomatin@tnnc.rosneft.ru
E.S. Abdrakhmanov, PhD, Head of Routine Core Analysis Laboratory, Department of Petrophysical Core Analysis, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: ESAbdrakhmanov@tnnc.rosneft.ru
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