Anufriev A.A., Shatalov A.N., Shipilov D.D., Solovyov V.V., Sakhabutdinov R.Z., Ibragimov N.G.
Current requirements to stock tank oil quality promote development and improvement of oil treatment technologies. One of the promising methods is enhancement of hydrogen sulfide stripping via ultrasonic treatment. Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the efficiency of ultrasonic radiation under various conditions. The efficiency increases with temperature growth, especially for high-viscosity oils. For oil viscosity over 400 MPa·s, specific sound power increase has little or no impact on H2S stripping, while in case of viscosity below 150 MPa·s increase of sound power from 100 to 200 kW/m3 enhances hydrogen sulfide separation twofold. Increase of ultrasonic exposure time also contributes to a more complete H2S removal. However, increase of exposure time and specific sound power is not always economically viable. An optimum exposure time is from 4 to 17 minutes at specific sound power of 10-50 kW/m3 . The obtained results show that ultrasonic oil treatment improves transition of hydrogen sulfide from oil to the gas phase and can be used at thermal stages of separation to reduce consumption of H2S chemical scavenger.
1. N.G. Ibragimov, A.N. Shatalov, R.Z. Sakhabutdinov, D.D. Shipilov, A.A. Anufriev, R.M. Garifullin Povyshenie effektivnosti bezreagentnyh metodov ochistki nefti ot serovodoroda (Improvement of nonchemical H2S stripping efficiency). Neftyanoye Khozaistvo, 2017, No. 6, pp. 58-61 (in Russian)
2. R.Z. Sakhabutdinov, A.A. Anyfriev, A.N. Shatalov, D.D. Shipilov Sovershenstvovanie fizicheskih metodov udaleniya serovodoroda iz nefti (Improvement of physical methods of H2S stripping). Ekspoziciya Neft Gaz, 2017, No. 3, pp. 39-41 (in Russian)
3. A.N. Shatalov, A.A. Anufriev, R.M. Garifullin, R.Z. Sakhabutdinov, D.D. Shipilov, R.R. Akhmadullin, S.S. Gafiyatullin Vybor optimal'noj skhemy ochistki nefti ot serovodoroda na UPVSN “Kutema” NGDU Nurlatneft' (Selection of optimum H2S stripping pattern at Kutema treatment facility). Collection of research papers, TatNIPIneft-PJSC TATNEFT. 2011, No. 79, pp. 310-314 (in Russian)
Anufriev A.A., Research Engineer, TatNIPIneft Institute, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail:
Shatalov A.N., PhD, Head of Laboratory, TatNIPIneft Institute, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail:
Shipilov D.D., PhD, Senior Researcher, TatNIPIneft Institute, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail:
Solovyov V.V., Engineer, TatNIPIneft Institute, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail:
Sakhabutdinov R.Z., Dr.Sc, Director of TatNIPIneft Institute, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail:
Ibragimov N.G., Dr.Sc, First Deputy General Director for Production, Chief Engineer of PJSC TATNEFT, Almetyevsk, Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail:
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