Pecherin T.N., Korovin K.V.
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the middle Jurassic oil and gas complex development, which is largely associated with the prospects of oil production in the fields of KHMAO. Over the past 20 years, oil withdrawals from the middle Jurassic sediments within the district have increased by an order of magnitude and are now estimated at tens of millions tons per year. Middle Jurassic oil deposits of are characterized by high commercial qualities, but the layers themselves are characterized by low reservoir properties, intermittent geological structure, as well as a mixed (pore–fractured) conductivity. In addition, the lightness of oil turns into increased gas content, causing the accident of well equipment. Accordingly, the reserves of the middle Jurassic deposits are estimated as hard to recover, and the values of the oil recovery factor are taken in the design at a low level. In addition, a significant part of the reserves of the middle Jurassic oil and gas complex remains not involved in the development. Development of the objects dated for average Jure is also complicated by the fact that the conduction of collectors in the middle Jurassic deposits not purely steam, and has the mixed porous–fissured character, and manifestations of a fracture component are bound to water injection. At the same time naphtha replacement by water can be ineffective because of development under pressure of flood water of bedded jointing to canals of high conduction between delivery and next production wells. Besides geological and physical conditions the incomplete drilling capacity and also ineffective and nonrational technology solutions have an adverse effect on oil recovery the middle Jurassic of layers. As those it should be noted practice of selection of multibedded objects, collateral development with layers of other age, a rare operational grid and compensation of selections it is higher than 100 %. On the contrary, on objects without overdoping and collateral development coefficients of oil recovery are estimated on rather high level.
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Pecherin T.N., PhD, Autonomous Institution of Khanty–Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — Yugra «V.I. Shpilman research and analytical Centre for the rational use of the subsoil», Tyumen, Russian Federation E-mail:
Korovin K.V., PhD, Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Tyumen Industrial University», Tyumen, Russian Federation E-mail:
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