Davydova O.V., Gabdrakhmanov N.Kh.
DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2019.1.156-188
The paper reviews development of efficient methods to improve accuracy of measuring current and total gas-oil ratio (GOR) in mature fields. Development of mature fields becomes complicated due to production-induced factors, such as formation temperature, high water cut, low reservoir pressure, low GOR, which greatly influence the accuracy of GOR measurement by present-day automatic group metering stations. Analysis of home-made commercial group metering stations performance shows that they do not comply with requirements for GOR measurement accuracy, both in terms of environmental safety and GOR level control to increase the efficiency of enhanced oil recovery techniques based on water-alternating-gas injection. Based on the performed experimental studies, the authors could solve a technical challenge involving improvement of present-day commercial measuring equipment, as well as provide technical justification for development of a measuring unit for rapid estimation of gas-oil ratio in a multi-zone well without lifting the oil samples to the surface.
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Davydova O.V., PhD student, Oktyabrsky branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
E-mail: oksana123123@mail.ru
Gabdrakhmanov N.Kh., Dr.Sc., Professor of Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields, Oktyabrsky branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
E-mail: oksana123123@mail.ru
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