Mameeva Yu.R., Borovkina Е.Е., Vanin V.А.
Pechora LPG project involves a wide range of operations including development of two gas-condensate fields (Korovinskoye and Kumzhinskoye) located on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous District, development of gas transport infrastructure, construction of central gas processing facility as well as LPG plant. Implementation of this project requires significant capital investments into infrastructure, drilling and transportation. Successful production of recoverable reserves and achievement of desired production rates is critical for getting return on investments. Economic well production requires a better understanding of reservoir geology and hydrocarbon potential. In view of the above, a comprehensive analysis of available geological and geophysical data, well test results and regional geological study data was conducted in 2017-2018 in Tyumen Petroleum Research Center. One of the main outcomes of that research effort was refinement of conceptual geological model of Lower Permian sediments of Korovinskoye field. A new understanding of the structure of Asselian-Sakmarian deposits will enable making more accurate decisions on selection of pilot sites and will optimize the processes of reservoir engineering and management.
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6. Никонов Н.И. и др. Тимано-Печорский седиментационный бассейн. Атлас геологических карт. – Ухта, Республика Коми, 2000 г., с. 37.
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Borovkova E.E., Tyumen Petroleum Research Center, Tyumen, Russian Federation E-mail:
Vanin V.A., Tyumen Petroleum Research Center, Tyumen, Russian Federation E-mail:
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