Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No.2(14),2018


Salimov O.V., Nasybullin A.V., Salimov V.G.


Typical well logging curve anomalies (defects) have been analyzed. This is particularly the case with full-wave acoustic logging, induction logging and density logging methods. Various methods for correction of defective well logging curves are proposed for producing areas of south-eastern part of Tatarstan. Case studies are also provided. The following conclusions have been made: 4. Commercial hydraulic fracturing simulators, such as MFrac or FracPRO, require revised and corrected well logging curves. 5. Lack of information on the type of tools and logging sonde as well as the conditions of data registration in LAS files, prevents leveraging the reading correction opportunities of PRIME software package. One of the possible solutions is generation of curves. 6. Some downhole elements may distort information related to geophysical parameters. It is necessary to specify the presence, date and depth of setting of columns, profile liners and other downhole elements. In a number of wells, some portions of well log may be recorded within the column with the resultant curve distortion.

    Key words:

    geophysical surveys, curve defects, methods for correction and generation


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    Salimov O.V., Dr.Sc., RN-UfaNIPIneft, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia 


    Nasybullin A.V., Dr.Sc, Head of IT and Reservoir Simulation Department, TatNIPIneft–PJSC TATNEFT, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russia 


    ​Salimov V.G., PhD, Head of Subsurface Geology Group, Volga-Kama Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russia 


    For citation:

    O.V. Salimov, A.V. Nasybullin, V.G. Salimov Anomalii geofizicheskih krivyh i metody ih korrektirovki [Anomalies of well logging curves and methods of correction]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(13), 2018. pp. 47-68. (in Russian)

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